Ryan Dinse

Before joining Fat Tail Investment Research, Ryan was a financial advisor for a well-known Melbourne-based investment institution for seven years. During that time, he had more than 600 clients and more than $150 million under management.

Through this experience, he discovered that the mainstream investing industry has no interest in helping clients strive for greatness. He was told to make ‘safe’ investment plays and settle for average returns.

While that’s fine for most investors, Ryan found it dull. His passion was always in trying to identify and capitalise on explosive stock trends that aim for huge run-ups in stock prices.

This led him to quit working for the financial planning firm and embark on his mission: to help ordinary people lock onto extraordinary trends, before they went mainstream. He’s an experienced small-cap trader and an expert in cryptocurrencies. He first bought Bitcoin [BTC] in 2013.

Each Monday Ryan publishes his thoughts on the Crypto and Tech Markets on Fat Tail Daily you can subscribe for free here.


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